Plenty of not-so-great games earn themselves a passionate following, usually nurtured by equally enthusiastic developers who wear their hearts on their sleeves and will do anything to get their game into as many homes as possible. Related: The Hope and Despair of the 'Mighty No. Suffice to say that while Inafune's fans had been voicing their support for the game – and good on them, because someone has to when it's getting this kind of reception – the critics aren't into it, at all. Videogamer comments on its "numerous terrible design choices and ugly presentation". "Charmless and full of poorly executed ideas" was IGN's verdict (5.6/10). "Inoffensively average," wrote Gamespot, awarding it 5/10. The game comes out today (June the 21st) in Japan and North America, with the European release set for June the 24th), and reviews have been lukewarm at best. At the time of publication, $3,326,906 had been raised with 16 hours to go.Nope. If the crowdfunding effort reaches a whopping $3.5 million, Vita and Nintendo 3DS versions will be made. "This is a completely rough test only, made in literally one week, using all placeholder assets and animation," the company said. Keiji Inafune's Comcept qualified the footage, saying the game will not necessarily end up looking like what was shown. Meanwhile, as the Kickstarter drive nears its final hours, a "very early, very rough" demo of the game running in Unreal Engine 3 was released. The spiritual successor to Mega Man hit its next-gen stretch goal last night, securing PlayStation 4 and Xbox One versions of the game. The Kickstarter is currently residing at $3,530,834 with a scant six hours to go. It's also slated for release on PS4, Xbox One, PS3, Xbox 360, Wii U, PC, Mac and Linux upon its April 2015 release. 9 Kickstarter has hit its $3.5 million stretch goal to come to Vita and 3DS.

The campaign had 67,226 backers when it concluded. Well, technically it fell short of its $4 million Online Battle Race mode, but the Kickstarter has it scratched off its stretch goal list, so ostensibly some Paypal funds made up the difference. In the time since then it hit every one of its stretch goals. Not bad considering it was initially only looking for $900K. 9 Kickstarter has ended with a total of $3,841,001.